Toothbrush Holder Robot V1

The Toothbrush Holder Robot V1 was designed to be used by people who had no motor function in their upper body. The red paddle and on/off button was to be used by their foot to change the direction of the brush as they brush their teeth. Height adjustment was achieved by having an assistant loosen the tension knobs and adjust accordingly then tighten down to maintain the height.

Collapsible Prototype

This prototype was designed to be 3D printed and have panels laser cut. It's portable design is to make it easier for the user to travel with it.

Dancing Banana Robot

A dancing banana robot had its movement controlled by an Arduino and two servo motors stored in the base. It could sway side to side and move up and down in unison.

UV Printer Bottle Rotating Assembly

An assembly that held bottles for UV printing and rotated them to allow printing on all four sides of the bottle.

Tablet Clipboard Attachment

A tool to help assembly plant engineers use a clipboard and their work tablets at the same time.

Toothbrush Assistant Arm

A device that was to help a boy who couldn't use his arms to be able to brush his teeth without assistance.

Beekeeper Assistant Device

A device that held a Raspberry Pi and used a touchscreen for beekeepers to use to assist in their operations.